www.alivewater.net - Site on Alive Water - URL Current 06.13 |
www.attra.org - Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas, Fayetteville, Arkansas Current 06.13 |
Www.bioregional-congress.org - BANA, Bioregional Association of the Northern Americas, purpose is to strengthen an amplify the voice of local bioregional groups. URL Current 06.13 |
www.earthday.net - Earthday Network - URL Current 06.13 |
www.compostingtoilet.org - Extensive site on compost toilets - URL Current 06.13 |
www.ecological-engineering.com - Cost Savings Solutions for Challenging Environmental Conditions - URL Current 06.13 |
www.masaru-emoto.net/english/index.html - Message from the Water - URL Updaated 06.13 |
www.ucsusa.org - Union of Concerned Scientists - "World Scientists' Warning to Humanity" |
www.planetdrum.org - Planet Drum was founded in 1973 to provide an effective grassroots approach to ecology that emphasizes sustainability, community self-determination and regional self-reliance. In association with community activists and ecologists, Planet Drum developed the concept of a bioregion: a distinct area with coherent and interconnected plant and animal communities, and natural systems, often defined by a watershed. URL current 06.13 |
www.plastmo.com/rbdivert - Cistern or Rain Barrel Diverter - photos of home systems - see all the links URL unavailable 06.13 |
www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/rainwater - Harvested Rainwater |
www.orzarkresearch.org - A research organization involved in educating the general public, through seminars and schools, about thought form energy and the power of the focused mind. URL updated 06.13 |
www.twdb.state.tx.us/publications/ - Texas Guide to Rainwater Harvesting - an excellent 66-page "Rainwater Harvesting" guide and several other water saving reports which can all be downloaded in PDF format for free. URL updated 06.13 |
www.serve.com/gvaughn/prairieisland/index2.html - An excellent site relating to nuclear power. URL updated 06.13 |
www.riverspirit.com - River Spirit A place of Renewal on the Little Buffalo River A peaceful haven in a hectic world. URL Current 06.13 |
www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/aug1/consciouswater.html - Conscious Water: Power of Prayer Made Visible, The Spirit of Ma'at, A Monthly Magazine, Editor-in-Chief: Drunvalo Melchizedek; also see www.spiritofmaat.com/ for other environmental articles. URL current 06.13 |
www.planetaryhealer.net - Our sister site offering something tangible you can do to help the planet and the water. URL current 06.13 |
http://www.anth.org.uk/Science.htm - Institute for Flow Sciences (Institut fuer Stroemungswissenschaften ) hosted by the web site of the Science Group of the Anthroposophical Society in Great Britain and created by David Heaf. URL updated 06.13 |
http://www.appropedia.org/Ersson_vermicomposting_toilet_%28original%29 - Plans for how to make and use a simply "sawdust" toilet. URL updated 06.13 |
www.patriciamichaeldesign.com/LandscapingRechargeAreas.htm - Landscaping Recharge Areas to Increase Spring Flow by Patricia Michael - prepared for a conference on water quality in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, February 20, 2003. The conference focused on how to improve the flow and quality of water in the springs. URL current 06.13 |