National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

About NWC . . .

Located in the Ozarks bioregion, the National Water Center has for two decades cultivated and articulated a clean water practice based upon appropriate technology and personal responsibility.

We've always been a bit unorthodox and radical in our approach as an environmental organization. 

We seek to understand the fundamentals of water, the essence of water, the spirit of water. Hydrology, water resource management, waste water and water treatment technologies have all been researched and archived here at the Water Center. We've protested, congressed, testified, proclaimed, called for environmental impact statements, attended thousands of hours of meetings, written volumes of information and networked our concerns globally.

We have not become complacent in our ecological quest for "healing the earth's waters"; we have chosen to maintain the organization as simply as is possible.

To us, the process of cultivating clean water consciousness is just as important as the goal. Therefore, the primary parameter for our organization is to have "fun" while we carry on with the work. As ecological activists, the urgency to "fix the polluted water" was beginning to take its toll. We decided to re-organize with a fresh format.

Now we rarely have meetings, although we constantly communicate; we research, write and publish without the construct of a "deadline"; we've chosen not to harass our membership with constant pleas for money realizing that our financial needs will be met in accordance with our operative integrity; and we've chosen to integrate a metaphysical approach to our water work, streaming concepts for the emerging ecological society.  Thus our fresh quest is delving into the "meta-ecology" of water to better understand our symbiotic relationship to the Earth. Aqua Terra: Metaecology and Culture is our publication reflecting that quest.

We are excited about this web site as our current vehicle to express these ideas and invite all who wish to participate in www.nationalwatercenter to submit their work to NWC.

Our other publication, We All Live Downstream, A Guide To Waste Treatment That Stops Water Pollution also reflects this quest.

Both publications are available from National Water Center.