National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.


The National Water Center opposed the Fluoridation of water in Eureka Springs when the idea was first introduced in 1989 and more recently in 2001. Eureka Springs has voted down fluoridation on two separate occasions. In 1989, Fluoridation was defeated by referendum.  In 2001, there was a polling of water customers on their water bills.

It has been the position of the National  Water Center that if individuals choose to use fluoride they can find it readily available rather than medicating the entire population by adding it to the public drinking water supply.

Fluoride (unlike chlorine) cannot be removed from water by filtration or boiling -- only by reverse osmosis, distillation, or ion exchange (costly operations, equivalent to desalination of seawater). Cooking, dehydrating or baking with fluoridated water just concentrates the  fluoride -- it cooks-down.  Gardening with fluoridated water does the same thing -- fluoride concentrates in the leaves, fruits and roots of the produce.

Articles of interest on fluoridation - please click on the hyperlink of your choice.

Thanks to Ron Eheman who shares the above listing with us.  He suggests to view the following messages: message/3; message/11, message/12, message/73, message/86, message/87, message/111, message/115, message/136, message/139, message/198, message/200, message/201  You can email Ron at:

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology's position on fluoride . . .
URL Current 06.13

The Earth Island Journal article on fluoride's interference with salmon migration is found at URL updated 06.13

Earth Island Journal Special Section on Fluorides and the Environment:

The following links are to reviews of "The Fluoride Deception" . . .  URL current 06.13

Please see Second Look, - their Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative is wonderful (as both research, advocacy, and support for fluoride-poisoned individuals). URL current 06.13

Arkansas update 09/14/05.

50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation
by Dr. Paul Connett

Fluoride Briefs

Why EPA's Headquarters Union Of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation

Unanswered Letters

Statement of  Dr. J. William Hirzy,
National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 280, Before the Subcommittee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Drinking Water United States Senate, June 29, 2000

Fluoridation or Safe Drinking Water - You Decide? 
by Adrian Chang

Fluoridation – Non-toxic Alternative
by Adrian Chang

Fluoridation - Hidden Dangers
by Adrian Chang

Fluoride Poisoning Support Group