National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

Eureka Springs

Eureka Springs is the home of the National Water Center and continues to inspire us in our efforts to heal the waters.

Eureka Springs was founded on the belief that there was healing for human ills to be found in the pure, clean spring waters which flowed freely from deep inside the earth. The community's century-long history is based on that beginning, and at least a part of the attraction to today's visitor or new resident relates to that heritage of belief in the life re-creating properties of the waters.

From the earliest days, the people recognized the need to protect and preserve the precious spring waters for the benefit of all. The first task of the city government was to establish by law large tracts of open lands, encompassing the hillsides around and above major springs. The laws and ordinances they enacted a century ago prevail today.

Photo by Christopher Fischer

* We have a project that will assist our modern community to carry on the tradition of respect and reverence for the gift of waters that healed. *Eureka Springs: Founded Upon The Waters That Healed by June Westphal

Eureka Springs articles - click on the hyperlink of your choice.

Press Release

Council learns that cleaning the springs is possible, E. Alan Long in The Lovely County Citizen, August 26, 2009

Living in Leatherwood Creek Watershed A Citizens Guide

Springs Committee Asks for Master Plan Inclusion
by Mike Ellis, Lovely County Citizen April 19, 2007

Eureka Springs Committee of Eureka
by Shawna Miller with Barbara Harmony and James Helwig

Eureka Springs Committee of Eureka Committee Members 01.2012: Barbara Harmony, Bruce Levine, Jim Helwig, Jamie Froelich, Joe Scott, Paula Adkins, Kate Cooper, Patrick Pruitt, Steven Foster, Paula Koch

Maiden of Basin Spring
by Dwight Ott

Eureka Springs: Founded Upon The Waters That Healed
by June Westphal

Awakening the Planetary Healer Within
A Mystical Journey & Water Workshop

Dowsing Revelations

Ozark's Water

by C. S. Ellis, M. D.

Landscaping Recharge Areas to Increase Spring Flow
By Patricia Michael

Prepared for a conference on water quality in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, February 20, 2003.  The conference focused on how to improve the flow and quality of water in the springs. See her article here:

The Nature Conservancy in Arkansas - Ozark Karst Program -

Cleansing the Spring -