National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

AquaTerra MetaEcology & Culture was first published  by the National Water Center, a clean water advocacy group and ecological think-tank, in the spring of 1991, as a funky, yet elegant newsprint journal that examined "water concepts for the ecological society".

Profoundly interested in the two fields of metaphysics and ecology, we decided to merge our research of both these subjects. If conjoined, the two words coined the term "metaecology", and defined it as the systematic reality of the transcendent relationships between organisms and their environments.


Through the publication of AquaTerra (WaterEarth) we seek to discover the utility of free will/mind/thought and its influence upon ecological balance and harmony - a sort of applied psychokinesis within the sphere of self-realization: reality is what we make it; energy follows thought; understanding the universe as thought construction.

As an ongoing project of the National Water Center, we welcome ongoing dialogue in this conceptual journey into the undiscovered vastness of human conscious and it's promise toward ecological restoration and ecological balance.   

Please click here for the Table of Contents and excerpts.

Sample chapters . . .

Dowsing Revelations


Purchase Aqua Terra from National Water Center, 5473 Hwy 23 N, Eureka Springs, AR 72631.