National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas
National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR
Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC
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We would like to thank Drunvalo Melchizedek for graciously allowing us to post and share the following copyrighted work on living water. His website:
Since the Wesak Festival at Mt. Shasta in May, I have been deluged by e-mails and letters asking for clarification of the water that I have been talking about for the last few months. I hope this article will answer most of your questions.)
As I have said in my past lectures, water is paramount on Earth, if not in the universe. We live on a water planet, and our bodies are mostly water. The water molecule has an angle of 105 degrees, which is in the golden mean proportion. In the first few words of the Bible, it states that in the very beginning of creation "God moved upon the face of the waters". Jesus baptized into water. All life is attracted to water such as rivers and lakes.
Some see water as life itself and talk about "Living Water". What does this mean?
Let's talk about water and the different kinds that are now known. First, water is in three primary states: ice, water or vapor. There are over 200 different kinds of ice structure that science has found. So even something that seems as simple as ice, is not. I believe now that we may find in the future that there are definitely different kinds of water vapor also.
Liquid water is also not so simple. Water found in a river or lake in nature has its outer electrons complete. This is the key to healthy water, or at least one of the keys; how many electrons the water has or doesn't have.
At the University of Georgia they found that in every human body all diseased cells (no matter what the disease) were surrounded by what is called "unstructured" water. And they also found that every healthy cell was surrounded by "structured" water. What does this mean? It is simple, at least as far as chemistry is concerned.
"Unstructured" water simply is missing one electron from its outer orbit, and "structured" water has no missing electrons. Water, when it moves through pressurized pipes, is forced to move in concentric rings instead of its natural movement, which is in spirals. When water moves through pipes it forces the outer electrons to be removed, creating "unstructured" water. This means that all water that we drink or bath in that comes from pressurized pipes is associated with disease. And when we bath in water we absorb through our skin in twenty minutes, 16 ounces of the water that we are sitting in. It is the same as if we drank the water. Perhaps mankind has made a mistake much like the Romans did with their use of lead plates and utensils.
So this is the first indication of a difference between "structured" and "unstructured" water.
When this was discovered, many people began to search for a way to structure "unstructured" water. Hence the magnets, strange shaped glass vessels, metal nozzles, etc. that have appeared around the world that structures water. Our research showed that water that was structured in artificial ways did not always look like naturally structured water when analyzed energetically. For example, magnets structure water almost instantly, but the water is not safe to drink according to the University of Georgia.
Then about fifteen years ago a brand new water was discovered. I believe it was Japan who discovered it. It is called "Clustered Water". Frozen clustered water magnified 20,000 times looks like tiny snowflakes under the microscope. Clustered water is found in all babies, human and otherwise, when they are born. It is also found in all organically grown fruits and vegetables. At some point as we grow older the clustered water in our bodies becomes bound to proteins. So we must ingest some clustered water everyday to maintain proper cell hydration and function.
This "Clustered Water" can only be obtained in the United States in two ways that I am aware of. Dr. Patrick Flanagan has made a clustered water that perhaps is good, but I have never tried it. He calls it micro-clustered water. And then there is Dr. Lee Lorenzen who also makes Clustered Water (TM). Both are only sold through multi-level marketing. I have tried Dr. Lorenzen's water and it seems to be very good for me. I have been drinking it for the past three months. I can definitely feel the difference in my energy level. This is the water that I have suggested that people try. It is vastly different than ordinary "structured" water. If you are interested, you should study about it and see if it is for you. You can call 1-800-881-1540, ext. 1000 and talk to Janice Campbell to ask questions. Please understand I am not here to sell water, but to study it. However, there is no way you can get this water in a store, and so to help you I have given you a name. If you have a friend that is selling the Clustered Water (TM) then use them. I feel you need to give the Clustered Water (TM) about two to three months to make a judgment.
It is important to know that the Clustered Water (TM) concentrate will have a shelf life of two years if kept at 70 degrees. If the concentrate reaches a temperature of up to 115 degrees it can be frozen for 45 minutes to restore clusters and then kept in the refrigerator. If the water goes over 115 degrees the clusters are compromised.
Also, in the last 15 years or so, another new water has been found called "ionized" water. It has one extra electron. This water is amazing for its ability to clean the environment and other specialized areas. Chile has an invention that will ionize the water and make it stable with environmental results that are very promising. And I believe that the Japanese and the Americans and probably other nations do too.
Now, however, there is another new water available to the world that could change the world as we now know it and very possibly save us from some incredible environmental disaster in the future. This water is called "Super Ionized Water" (SIW). SIW has three extra electrons in the water molecule's outer orbits, and it is also stable. If you analyze the SIW water you will find nothing but water. But if you take an ordinary lamp and simply put the plug into a glass of SIW it will light up the lamp brighter than if you plugged it into a wall. Obviously, it is not ordinary water. It is a water filled with electricity.
Recently I was invited to Washington, DC to a leading environmental research company, a Fortune 500 corporation, to witness this new SIW in action. There were about 15 government agencies there including the military. I had to sign an agreement letter to not talk about certain things about this water, but that agreement has been destroyed now so I have no legal obligation. Many of you got mad at me for saying that I could not talk about certain things around this water at the Wesak Festival, but you must understand that if I had not signed this agreement, I would not have any direct knowledge about this water at all. I am not protecting any government body as some of you suggested. I simply wanted to know the truth, and it was the only way I could. The only part that they did not want me to talk about was the drinking of the water for human consumption and certain reactions around oil and gasoline.
However, with this subject of the "government" I would like to digress for a moment. Let's get it clear. I am not now, nor have I ever been associated with any government agency (except when I was in the Army when I was a kid). I am completely a free person. But in order to work on whole planet environmental problems, which my life seems to be leading into, it is absolutely necessary to work with the U.S. and foreign governments. I have no choice if I wish to be effective. You can talk about changing the world, but other than the grassroots levels of change, governments are necessary. How can I go into a polluted lake in Australia, for example, and begin to make positive changes without their approval? I would not have their legal permission and would probably only end up being confined and stopped. Of course I would allow that too if it really worked since it is so important for Mother Earth. In the case of Green Peace stopping the killing of whales by illegally boarding the whaling ships, it did work. I have to admit I am not above this as a last ditch effort, but I believe there is a better way: to educate the government. Bring them to our level, so that they can see our way and how what we are doing is good for all life on the planet. Get them to cooperate.
In addition, I do not see "them", not the military nor even the CIA or the FBI, as the enemy. When you see through the eyes of "Oneness" there is only one God and God created ail life everywhere. I am here, as I have stated many times before, to find the answers to all peoples problems, both the dark and the light, which includes the governments of the world, but which also includes all the peoples of the world. There is only one planet. I believe there is a way that we can move without thinking and acting in duality, which has brought us to this critical position in the first place. There is one Spirit, one God, and one Life everywhere. This is always where I view the world from.
So what happened in Washington DC? A large sample of polluted water that looked and smelled like polluted waste was brought in by two scientists. The water was brown and had things floating in it. The military brought in a large sample of polluted water that seemed to glow a greenish-yellow. It smelled like gasoline and did not seem like water at all. A Mr. Ayhan Doyuk who is the President of Perfect Science, a Turkish corporation, and who is the inventor of the SIW, gave the demonstration. He said that in nature we cannot shake up a lake or large body of water to make the reaction go faster so the SIW can only be sprayed on the surface and allowed to slowly reach the bottom. Therefore he was only going to place a small amount of the water on the surface of the polluted containers without moving the water so that we could see how it happens in a large body of polluted water. The amount Mr. Doyuk used was more than is actually necessary in order for the reaction to move faster.
Over a two-hour period, we all watched as the two polluted containers slowly turned into what looked like distilled water, crystal clear. Mr. Doyuk then took a gold fish from an aquarium that was at the company's office and placed it in one of the now clear "polluted" containers. Mr. Doyuk continued to give chemical examples for over three hours while the fish swam around in what was just two hours earlier an uninhabitable container. Later when the demonstration was finished, the gold fish was put back into the aquarium. One of the scientists called me the next day to tell me that the entire aquarium was crystal clear the next morning just from the water the fish had in its mouth and on its body.
One of the chemical reactions that I would like to talk about is important for its use to the world, but also for its analogy. Mr. Doyuk took a new bottle of automobile oil and poured about two ounces into a glass beaker. He then poured a small amount of the SIW and shook up the beaker. In about three second the oil no longer was on the planet. In its place were amino acids and proteins which can be reused as fertilizer and for food production or in the ocean setting can be eaten by the fish as food. This is impressive for many applications of cleaning up the earth's pollution especially where we have had oil spills in the ocean, but also for another reason. This means that even old oil spills that have reached the beaches can be cleaned very quickly back to the way it was before the spill.
Oil is the end product of millions of years of life. This black substance when interfacing with this water SIW immediately turns white and moves the substance from the end of life to the beginning of life, amino acids and proteins. This is a great analogy.
From what I saw at the demonstration and from what Mr. Doyuk said, it is clear that this water could possibly clean up about 70% to 80% of all the earth's hydrocarbon-related pollution problems in a very short time. But of course we would need government approval and assistance. From experiments in Turkey, they show that a large body of water such as a bay, can be brought back to the way it was hundreds of years ago in a very short time, about two months. This means the bottom of the bay and the sides as well. The water will penetrate about 90 feet into the soil and clean up everything. This may very well be the salvation of the earth herself or at the very least buy us some time to solve the rest of the problems.
The SIW will also work on dry land. The Turkish company has shown how they have gone to garbage dumps and sprayed the SIW on the dump. Immediately the methane fires go out and in a short time (not sure how long but in most of the examples they gave, it was about two months) the chemicals in the dump are turned into organic fertilizer. Soon where there was a dump; there are organic vegetables and flowers growing. I could go on for hours, but I feel you get the idea.
This water also has many positive side effects. One is that it will put out fires - all fires - including oil and gasoline fires instantaneously. At the same time, the over spray is actually good for life, such as in a forest fire. Though I personally have focused on the cleaning of the environment and have not endorsed the following, this water is also being used internally and externally on the human body, and according to Turkish sources with truly amazing results. However, my angels have told me NOT to drink this water until they give me an approval. I am not sure as of this writing what the problem is, but there seems to be one. And until I know exactly what it is, I will not drink it myself. I suggest that you do not drink it either, which is the same suggestion that 1 have made recently in Washington State, in Denver and at the Omega Institute. At the Wesak Festival at Mt. Shasta I would not even discuss the subject. But as always, it is your choice what you do.
Since it is water, it is not under the FDA's protection, so you must use your own discrimination. I suggest that if you do decide to drink this water that you do it under a doctor's direction and care. In fact this was the only way a person could get this water until just recently and the rules were relaxed, not by the doctors, but by the people who make it.
It is here where most of the confusion has taken place, between the "Clustered Water" and the "Super Ionized Water". They are completely different. I highly recommend the "Clustered Water (TM)" and I say wait to the "Super Ionized Water", and if you do drink it, do it with your doctor's supervision. If taken internally, "Super Ionized Water" may end up being the greatest gift from God ever for humanity, and it could become our worst nightmare. We do not know yet, and we should wait until it is tested further.
I hope this has helped you in your understanding around these different kinds of water. May whatever happens around these waters be a blessing for Mother Earth and all of mankind.
In Love and Service, Drunvalo