National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

Reprinted with permission from Share International magazine, P. O. Box 971, N. Hollywood, CA 91603 USA,

Healing Water in Australia

Yankalilla is a little country town south of Adelaide in South Australia.

It was there back in August 1994 that parishioner Susan Fehlburg first noticed what looked to her like an image of the Madonna and Child on the wall of the Anglican Christ Church. 

In July 1996, the rector, Canadian-born Reverend Andrew Nutter, reported the phenomenon in a local church paper. Since then, news of the apparition has traveled around the world. 

It was this extensive news coverage that brought a dowser to the site. The dowser alerted Fr Andrew to the presence of a stream of water running under the church. Benjamin Creme, on being asked, confirmed that the stream of water, like the apparition, was the work of the Master who was the Madonna and that the water would have healing power. One question remained: where to drill?

A fax to London drew a recommendation from Benjamin Creme’s Master regarding the location. A bore was drilled at the recommended spot: two meters from the wall in line with the image. Water was found.