National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

Healing Water with Nature's Energies

Copyright 1997 by Guy McCarthy

In the last several years, scientists have learned a great deal about the physical structure of water, and how variations in that structure affect water's ability to transport oxygen, nutrients, and minerals. This knowledge is leading to a new generation of water treatment technology, where subtle earth energies are replacing the use of salts and toxic chemicals. The timing couldn't be better, as concerns about water quality problems continue to rise both locally and across the nation.

Leading the field is a remarkable technology from Austria called Living Water. The fact that Johann Grander, the inventor, claims to receive his inspiration directly from God and Nature has made some folks uncomfortable.  Nevertheless, his technology works well and scientists are beginning to understand why Grander products are widely used in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

According to Grander, Living Water uses Nature's own energies to revitalize water that has been damaged by high pressure and chemicals. Living Water units do not consume power, salt, or chemicals and are very beneficial for the environment. High capacity units for home or commercial use are comparable in price to traditional water softeners, but are much smaller and easier to install. A small, portable device called the "Penergizer" is available for $125 and provides an opportunity to experience this remarkable technology with a limited investment.

The Penergizer is made of smooth, chromium steel and is similar in size and appearance to a fountain pen. It weighs 52 grams and works simply by stirring the fluid to be treated. Here are some simple experiments you can try with the Penergizer:

#1 Fill two glasses of water from your tap. If you live in the city, you will probably notice the "chemical" smell and taste of chlorine in the water. If you have a well, you may notice that the water tastes "thick" or "hard" from minerals. Stir one glass with the Penergizer, clockwise, about 25 times, and let the unit rest a minute until the water is still.  Remove the Penergizer and wipe it dry. Now taste the revitalized, Living Water.  It should taste fresh and clean, with barely a hint of chlorine or minerals.

For comparison, take a sip of the untreated water (yuk!) Now pour one or two ounces of Living Water into the other glass and swirl it gently.  Like magic, the entire glass has been transformed just by adding a few ounces!

#2 Take some lettuce or spinach leaves that have wilted (but are not rotten). Prepare a bowl of Living Water with the Penergizer. Soak the leaves for 10 to 20 minutes. Remove the leaves, which now should feel crisp and succulent. Taste one (yum!) The revitalized leaves will stay fresh and crisp in the refrigerator for up to a week or longer. Similar results can be experienced with cut flowers.

#3 Clean your coffee maker, and make a pot of coffee in the usual way.  Pour the fresh coffee into a container. Now make a second pot, using Living Water and only 3/4 of the usual amount of coffee. Sample the two brews.  You should find that Living Water produces a better tasting cup of coffee with fewer beans!

How it Works

Although water has a simple chemical formula, its physical structure is quite complex. Clusters of 60 or more molecules are commonly formed which account for its unique properties. Water that has been forced out of the ground, pumped under high pressure, and/or treated with chemicals has a damaged physical structure. The number of "docking sites" in the water is vastly reduced, so chlorine and minerals "escape" at every opportunity: by evaporation (hence the smell of chlorine), by attaching to pipes and fixtures (resulting in lime scaling and corrosion), and by attaching to your skin (causing irritation and drying).

Revitalized water has its proper physical structure restored. The surface tension is reduced, and the oxygen content goes way up. There are plenty of "docking sites" so that chlorine and minerals remain attached to the water and pass through the body harmlessly. Revitalized  water mixes and dissolves things better than untreated water. When installed in the home, Living Water units actually de-scale pipes and equipment with no extra effort or chemicals. Soap residue in the shower or bath disappears, old fixtures become shiny again, and waste water decomposes quickly.

All of this is accomplished with natural forces. Living Water units contain an energized fluid that is permanently sealed in high quality chromium steel. The fluid transfers information, not energy, to the water.  Perhaps the most amazing thing of all is that treated water can pass this information along and revitalize up to ten times its own volume merely by contact.  Grander claims that the waste water passing through your pipes actually revitalizes the environment when it leaves your home!

Sound fantastic? Plenty of testimonials and scientific data are available.  Swimming pool owners report sparkling clear water with less maintenance, savings from lower chemical usage, and elimination of scaling in pumps and equipment. Farms report increased biomass in crops, cleaner livestock facilities, and vastly improved waste processing. Photo labs report dramatic savings in equipment cleaning costs, while restaurants report the complete elimination of grease trap problems.

All of this is possible with water that has been restored to its natural, healthy condition. Scientists are beginning to understand what this means in terms of compound molecular structure. Johann Grander maintains that higher, spiritual forces are involved. Whatever the explanation, Living Water represents a new opportunity to heal the ailing waters of our land.


1. Living Water units have no known life span. After ten years their effectiveness has not diminished. The fluid inside is permanently energized.

2. Because they contain a fluid, Living Water units must be protected from freezing or boiling. Otherwise they require no maintenance and should last indefinitely.

3. Living Water units do not contain a filter. Water that is unsafe to drink because of heavy metals or high bacteria count must also be treated by conventional means.

For more information about the Penergizer and other Living Water products, contact: Twelve Star Publishing, P.O. Box 123, Jefferson, MD, 21755.  (301) 473-9035, or email ##