National Water Center, Eureka Springs, Arkansas

National Water Center, Eureka Springs, AR

Updated: April 2014 Contact: Contact: NWC

Contents ©1999-2014 by National Water Center. All rights reserved worldwide.

Please note: We have not heard anything about the Tlacote water in the last several years and don't know if it's still available.

We've left the information on the web because we love the story of a water miracle.

Here is the website to get water from Lourdes.

Reprinted with permission from Share International magazine, P. O. Box 971, N. Hollywood, CA 91603,

Journey to Tlacote

by Gill Fry 

A nurse reports on her visit to the miraculous healing water well of Tlacote, Mexico, where she experienced an unexpected miracle.

Since May 1991, in the small town of Tlacote, two and a half hours drive north of Mexico City, a well has been producing miracle water. The ranch owner, Mr. Chahin, discovered the healing properties when his injured dog recovered rapidly, having drunk the water. After successful tests on his ranch workers, he opened up his gates to the public.

Gill Fry, a Share International co-worker in London, went to Tlacote in July 1992 and has written the following report.

As a professional nurse, I was fascinated by reports of Tlacote water having healed so many ailments, including diabetes, epilepsy, arthritis, cancer and even AIDS. Having worked with patients for 10 years who have suffered the pain and anguish of such diseases, the idea of finding a cure, or partial cure, was indescribably exciting.

It was thus that I set out, in July this year, on a quest to Mexico to collect the miracle water from Tlacote. From what I had read, I was expecting some hardship, at the very least to wait in line for three or four days and nights, in near tropical temperatures, and took with me a comprehensive survival kit (mosquito net, sunscreens, bedding, etc) and arrived prepared for any eventuality! I had also read that each person's water ration was generally three liters, and brought along several plastic containers. In the event, my expectations could not have been more wrong. A wonderfully kind colleague of Benjamin Creme in Mexico City took charge of me, drove me to Tlacote and, speaking the local language (which I do not), overcame each barrier and problem. Every door seemed wide open. My three-day stint turned into a mere three-hour wait; my water ration increased from three to 38 liters and more wonderful still, I witnessed the most extraordinary photograph possibly in existence, which confirmed everything I had believed in for the last six years.

 Since May 1991 three million people have been to Tlacote, and at least six   million people have drunk the water. The ranch owner, Mr. Chahin, keeps   the registration files of every visitor, some of whom have traveled from as   far as Europe and Russia. Many Mexican government officials, politicians,   and artists have been seen waiting in the queue, which varies in size from   5,000 to 10,000 daily. The ranch is very clean and the buildings brightly   painted. Huge, lush trees provide the crowd with welcome shade from the   scorching sun. I had imagined a dry, desert scene with chaotic, endless   lines of exhausted people, but found everything very well organized, with   the queue moving quickly and efficiently. After registering, Mrs. Chahin, the   rancher's wife and resident doctor, checks each visitor's medical certificate   and decides on an appropriate quota and dosage, prescribing the water   orally, or externally as drops, or enemas or direct application to the skin for skin cancer, eczema, etc. It must be an exhausting job answering a deluge of questions from thousands of people everyday, yet she performs her task with endless patience and kindness, offering her advice freely. None of the ranch hands receives any money for this service, and they work from 9.30 to 15.30 hours every day. Mr. Chahin has never charged for the water, but considering the time and effort involved, to my mind a voluntary donation scheme could provide extra support and may sometime be introduced.

After the doctor's consultation, one stands in line to receive the water. Huge stainless steel tanks, which the government assisted in providing, pump the water to the plastic taps from the deep artesian well that, we are told, will never run dry. Having thought about this moment for months, I felt great elation as I watched my containers being filled. All my hopes were coming to pass and I had been given more water than I had ever dreamt possible. Thanking the ranch workers and tightening the lids further, I briefly pondered on the practicalities of carrying 38 liters of water, and the daunting thought of customs! (Curiously, in the event, nobody at customs asked a single question about the weight or contents of my overloaded bags, overflowing with miracle water.) Such worries were quickly dispelled as I was handed a cup of the water. It tasted wonderful, slightly sweet, pure and light. By the end of the day I had been given three cupfuls and some days later realized my mistake! I was to suffer a gastric upset for a week. The water is totally clean and pure, but very potent. The dosage needed is very small indeed. A couple of teaspoonfuls would have been plenty for me.

I was shown around Mr. Chahin's office which had two long walls stacked with visitors files, and shelves covered with water-testing apparatus. Just as I was leaving, I was shown a framed photograph with the most extraordinary history and phenomenal implications. A man who had drunk the water, and had been healed, took numerous photographs of the ranch. On returning home, he had one frame left on his film. Anxious to finish and develop the film, he took a photograph of his new television set. The television was not on; the screen was blank. To his astonishment, after the film was developed, the last shot showed the television screen with a face upon it: the face of Christ with a crown of thorns on His head. I felt myself shiver as I looked at the powerful image. With limited time, I quickly took several photographs, hoping I could capture the rather faint impression, with the complications of bright sunlight and a reflecting glass covering. Fortunately, the photographs I took seem even stronger than the original, and the face is clearly visible.

Traveling home with my exciting news, dragging my bags full of water, I felt triply blessed - my wait in line had been so short; I had been given gallons of water; and I had witnessed the most tangible evidence of Maitreya's presence.

(Tlacote water: the water is located on the ranch of Senor Jesus Chahin in the village of Tlacote, 15 miles from the city of Queretaro, which is approximately 2 1/2 hours drive north of Mexico City.)

From the September 1992 issue of Share International.